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David Gavreel
"The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans."
Hi there I'm David.
For months now bushfires in Australia have been raging and the consequences are disastrous!
Over a million hectares burned - that’s habitat lost, that’s food resources gone and perhaps a billion animals have been killed as well.
During this bushfire crisis it is more important than ever to stand up and protect our wildlife!
I’ve decided to make a difference to raise money for a cause that's close to my heart.
The Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary specialises in wombat rescue and rehabilitate any injured/orphaned/cruelty cases or illegal pet wombats. Their ultimate goal, to release them back into the bush where they belong.
The Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary, along with Wombat Rescue, are working diligently daily to save whatever creatures survive the horrific bush fires by placing basins of water and food in key areas where they have seen survivors.
Surviving the bush fires is just the first step for the wildlife as there is no food or water available for them now, until it rains and the grass can grow.
It is CRITICAL and URGENT that they continue placing as many watering stations as they can, along with food for these desperate animals.
Please support my efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
Thanks so much for your support!
Sleepy Burrows Sanctuary Inc
Where Wombats Dominate and Humans Accommodate!
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