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Yoga for Bushfire Relief
Join us for a donation based yoga class in San Diego in support of Wires Wildlife Rescue and Wildlife Australia. 100% of the proceeds go directly to support those harmed and displaced during these horrific wildfires.
I love Australia - I love it so much I married an Aussie from Victoria & moved to Melbourne for a time. Many of our family & friends are scattered throughout the country - at present moment - they are safe. Our hearts break on a daily basis for the loss of life (both human & animal) & destruction of habitats & property. We are reminded all to well of the monstrous power of nature, the long road of relief, recovery & rebuilding that follows & the generosity that comes from all across the globe.
Aren't in San Diego? Can't make it to the yoga class? Donate online and do whatever yoga means to you. Every ohm matters, every asana counts. Every bit of generosity makes ripples around the world.
Australia is our 2nd home. While we all aren't able to run into the fires to rescue, we can help.
Suggested donation $20.
Give what you can - every little bit helps!
Wildlife Victoria Inc.
Since 1989, Wildlife Victoria has safeguarded Victoria’s remarkable wildlife through rescue, advocacy, and education. In 2022 we introduced our wildlife specialist Travelling Veterinary Service, the only one of its kind in Australia.
Humanity’s very survival on our planet depends on the vast array of biodiversity our wildlife helps form. The life of every one of our native animals is invaluable to our ecosystem and ourselves. At Wildlife Victoria we are driven by a deep passion to be their unwavering voice as our home continues to change.The effects of climate change, habitat destruction and urbanisation, have seen a consistent increase in demand for our services each year.
Last year we received over 160,000 calls for help and directly assisted more than 97,000 individual animals. Our Travelling Veterinary Service provided free veterinary treatment to over 1,650 native animals in care and in the wild. The rescue service relies on an extensive state-wide network of rescue and transport volunteers, veterinarians who provide pro-bono services for wildlife, and licensed carers and shelters who accept animals into their care for rehabilitation and release.
By choosing to donate to us, you can join our mission to protect and preserve the extraordinary wildlife that makes Victoria’s landscape one we all cherish.
Together, we can make a difference for their future and ours.
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